Our Story
In the heart of the Wan family's heritage, Cinta Gold was born not just as a brand but as a celebration of enduring love. Like stars in the vast sky, our jewelry is more than mere adornments; they are a golden legacy, passing through generations and carrying with them endless touching stories. Founded with boundless love, Cinta Gold symbolizes the Wan family's resilience in overcoming challenges, pioneering a business that meticulously weaves every karat with love and each ring with warmth. As the journey of Cinta Gold began with Wan’s great grandparents, the family instilled in the children and the younger ones the values of craftsmanship, dedication, and the promise of everlasting love for generations to come. Beyond being mere goldsmiths, the Wan family is the bearers of countless cherished love stories. From the smallest pendant to the grandest heirloom, each unique creation of Cinta Gold is a profound manifestation of the love and endurance passed down through the generations.
在歷史長河中,晶達猶如一顆閃耀的明星,穿越了歲月的洗禮,見證了世 代的傳承,並收藏了無數感人的故事。 晶達不止是一個製造金飾的品牌,更是一個由愛所啟發的家族奮鬥史,代 代相傳的愛與堅持的承諾。這份承諾由創辦人手中傳承至今,讓晶達不僅 僅是金飾的製造者,更是愛的見證者。我們深知,每一片金箔都是獨一無 二的,擁有獨特的情感價值,宛如每段人生故事都擁有不可取代的意義。 溫,這個字對於創辦人的家族有著特殊的意義。姓氏溫不僅象徵著家庭三 代的傳承,更寓意著一份家庭的溫情。晶達象徵著家族之愛,每一塊金子 都載滿對生命的熱愛與家庭的關懷。在這片黃金的編織之中,晶達展現了 華麗的外表,同時深藏著愛的真諦。我們以金子編織出您愛情的永恆之 網,讓晶達成為您生命中最閃耀的見證者。 用心創造每一件飾品,讓每一片金箔都成為愛的象徵,為您的故事增添璀 璨的光芒。晶達,不僅是珠寶,更是愛的代名詞,是家庭三代傳承的一抹 溫情。
Earing & Ring
Our Products
Gold Bar
Customized Gold Bar
Our Services
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
Gift Customization
Jewellery Customization
Our principles
We pride ourselves in delivering gold jewellery of the finest quality and precision, ensuring every piece is a work of art.
Affordable Luxury
Customer Satisfaction
Quality Craftsmanship
Our priority is to provide exceptional service and exceed customer expectations, building long-lasting relationships based on trust and loyalty.
We believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the beauty of gold jewellery, offering attractive designs at reasonable prices.
Photo Gallery
It is important to capture and preserve the valuable moments of all special events and our milestone achievement.